Uh-huh always complaint about the hot weather. In Bintan island, the sun isn't friendly because the shine is too hot. But the other part in world to cold because the cold weather and sometimes the snow turn in the morning.
Mmmm every country always have different culture and weather. But the hotter weather isn't usual in here. How it can be like in "hell" so hot -mmm so funny, I guess the hot -fire- on hell more than this-
The weather like this make the body isn't fit, feel like getting fever. So bad, I guess. Seem like summer in a part of country which have four season.

The global warning is right, we never know what happened in this world. The eart is getting older then before and a lot of population and human error who isn't care about the nature make the eart is getting unfriendship.
I wish for the kids and the youngers and also the olders will be care to keep the eart more save with the good habit in their life

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