Crying in The Silent Night

Time is so faster then I can realize
I don't know what I have to do
I feel so lonely this night
Making me cry in the silent Night

Ah, I don't know what happen with my life
I just try to be stronger than I want it
I know I am so weakness and powerless
That is making me crying in the silent night

Crying in the silent night make me tired
I don't know what should I do this night
But crying make me feel better this night
Yea crying in the silent night make me feel better

Don't be shy to crying alone in the night
Try to talk to Father in heaven about all
Making you feel weak and hopeless
But you did not realise Father hearing your voices

He will throw away your sadness
He will throw away your problems
So don't be ashamed when you feel weak
Crying in the silent night is good way

Jakarta, November, 8 2013

*Keep Smile and Spirit*

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