Don't be afraid the night Come
Night come to bring peace
The fairly will play in the night
The happiness always come in night

The night come with the fortune fairy
Make your day bad get better in night
In the night you can see the nice world
Because in the night you can be a dreamer

Dream, beautiful life in your own life
Dream, amazing day in your own day
Because being a dreamer make you young
Making peace in the bad life in noon

Being a dreamer just can be in the night
Night come make your smile getting bigger
Night always have magic to make you feel peace
Make your life different and being romantic

Because night has a magic stick to make it
Make your day better in the night
Make you feel relax and enjoy to think it
Being a dreamer just can be in the night

I love the night to thinking
I love the night to dreaming
Because my life start in the night
Night I can spend my night with you

Tanjungpinang, 19 January 2016

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