Dear diary, just 5 days before this month end and become change to number two! Don’t you realize time is so damn faster and make me more nervous and wonder about anything! If I have power to stop the time, I really want to stop the time but I don’t have power at all. My life is change every time and that’s making me wonder. What should I do?

Dear diary, do you believe in romantic way? I never bored to watch romantic movies. So I love to shared my mind about what is romantic movie I love to watch and never bored to get stuck in the story.

Do you know, difinelty love? Of course, everybody know that very well. Can you feel love inside your soul? I can feel it and I wish it will be longer and forever. Love to someone special, love to family, love to something you desire and love to make me become special in this world.

Dear diary, love is so complicated to make it real in life. Some people easy to find it and some people difficult to get it. I believe every body in this world always wants to find the soul mate. Do I find it? I wanna tell you that. Sun shine always shine in my day, sun shine never forget to make me warm, sun shine always sent me nice words to make me days colorful. 

Sun shine always want me close to sun shine soon and never be apart. In this time, sun shine and I is like sun and moon; we are like sea and sky, we are like ice and hot, we are like part in long.. long miles but one day in summer season. We will be close and some zone. Which before we are like ice and hot but when it get mix then you will get warm. When you go to the beach and you see the sea and sky are like close to each other and no line part of them. We will get closer soon and no line make we are far to each other.

Love is so damn unique but love is making perfect life you have in this world. None of you won’t get lonely and never feel the hot and cold of love but when get mix will make them warm no one get dominan about that. Because love is fill each other to make it perfect and match.

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