Amazing Gracie Novel

Amazing Gracie Novel

Dari kemarin, aku ingin menuliskan review buku dari Sherryl Woods dengan judul Amazing Gracie, kal…
4 Days again Valentine

4 Days again Valentine

4 Days again valentine, do you know what is valentine?  Every February 14, across the United States…
Ketika Kelabu

Ketika Kelabu

Ketika langit menangis tiada henti, Jakarta pun mengalami kebanjiran. Di bulan yang sama, cuaca da…
Refresing in Book Store

Refresing in Book Store

Dear diary, a few days I am keeping writing and writing, sometimes I don't get the idea and do…
Welcome February

Welcome February

Dear diary, already February and this is third day. Wow, time so fast. I think I will be lonely wh…