

Rest If you are feeling tired Then take a break Because rest so important It will make you fill ene…
Fresh Flower

Fresh Flower

A post shared by ♡ Citra Pandiangan (@citrapandiangan) on Feb 24, 2017 at 2:54am PST I am so fresh I …
Kind of Drink

Kind of Drink

Drinking Drink water is like find something to fill your day. A glass of water without taste so swe…
Don’t be Elephant

Don’t be Elephant

A post shared by ♡ Citra Pandiangan (@citrapandiangan) on Feb 24, 2017 at 8:32pm PST Don’t think abo…
Being Strong

Being Strong

A post shared by Citra P (@citrap81) on Feb 20, 2017 at 1:03pm PST
Kehebohan Duit Merah

Kehebohan Duit Merah

Rumah lagi heboh mau kedatangan tamu, biasa mama suka menjadi seksi sibuk. Selalu welcome terhadap…
Let’s Study Anything

Let’s Study Anything

Dear diary, long time I never write here.That is mean I never forget about you. You are still my f…
Terluka Parah

Terluka Parah

Puisi:  Terluka Parah Janganlah kamu mengusik hariku Sebab kamu membuatku terluka! Terluka parah yang …
Puisi: Duka

Puisi: Duka

Ketika cinta tidak lagi hadir dalam kehidupanmu Maka pergilah dari titik dimana kamu memulainya Namu…
Think Think

Think Think

Dear diary, I can’t sleep! I know, sleep well at night is very good for health and mind. But my min…