What's meaning of love?
Every body have their own for that
But for me what's meaning of love
When I see your smile every day!

It is the perfect moment for me
Seeing your laugh, hearing your voice
The words with the funny things or serious
That's the moment I never forget

That's the perfect moment in my life
My love isn't just the words but real
But I know I never look your smile or your face
That's life never easy for couple in their life

The way your smile, The way your laugh
All that's in my memorries
I can't remove that from my mind
Because my desire is wanna be special for someone

Share the sad and the happiness together
Even in reality isn't easy like words
But when try together will be easy
The way your smile make me happy
Find soulmate isn't easy for everybody

*poem 14 february 2013

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